Addict Lake House Rescue Season 2: Is Nicole Curtis Coming Back To Tv?

Katy William
Addict Lake House Rescue Season 2

Nicole Curtis will return to her home at Lake Orion, Michigan, and finish the rehabilitation of a famed lakeside villa. She returns to a 1904 house she saved from demolition because she is well enough for renovating decaying old properties. She now intends to establish a magnificent lakeside hideaway for her family.

It has been announced for now that well-known home restorer and traditionalist Nicole Curtis would be presenting the show. She was also the host of the spin-offs, ‘Rehab Addict’, and ‘Rehab Addict Rescue’. Curtis attempted to give her view about old homes, that must be preserved safely with the original things not being changed by something else.

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Addict Lake House Rescue Season 2 Storyline

HGTV has a plethora of renovation and design shows to choose from. Few hosts, however, match the pas­sion and energy exhibited by Nicole Curtis. Curtis, who is well known for her flagship series “Rehab Addict,” welcomes viewers back to the home and garden network for a more personal experience this time. “Rehab Addict Lake House Res­cue” premi­eres Wed­nes­day, July 13, on HGTV.

An advoc­ate for all things home rehab­il­it­a­tion — dif­fer­ent from renov­a­tion in that its core val­ues are all about revamp­ing instead of rebuild­ing — Curtis, a Lake Orion, Michigan, nat­ive, often must go to bat for his­toric and under­loved homes in her home state, pre­fer­ring to restore them to something akin to their ori­ginal gorgeousness instead of the usual “mod­ern­iz­a­tion” approach. In reality, Curtis made news in Detroit in March 2021 for fighting the Michigan Land Bank Author­ity, which seized the deed to a his­toric 1908 location home she had pur­chased for renovation.

After hav­ing paid a private owner $17,000 for the dilap­id­ated prop­erty in 2017, accord­ing to The Michigan News, she fur­ther inves­ted $60,000 into the house before learn­ing in 2018 that the land bank was actu­ally profit­ing off of the “labor, expert­ise and money” Curtis had con­trib­uted. That par­tic­u­lar instance is more intricate than most of her epis­odes of “Rehab Addict” past and present, but the prin­ciple underlying it stays the same: Another interview with The Detroit News quotes Curtis as saying, “Let us remind you again of how you can genuinely rehabilitate a house.

Addict Lake House Rescue

“It’s not just a house renov­a­tion, it’s a life renov­a­tion,” Curtis con­tin­ued before com­par­ing home rehab to start­ing on a new road in life. “All of us get in these pos­i­tions when you’re stuck. This is the tenth job I’ve had throughout my career. This is completely unrelated to the degree for which I was educated. It’s basically just to show them that you just have to real­ize that you have to have a strategy and regroup.”

“Rehab Addict Lake House Res­cue” focuses on a per­sonal project for Curtis and her fam­ily. Return­ing to her homet­own of Lake Orion, the hands-on archi­tec­ture enthusiast expects to finally fin­ish a project that has been in the mak­ing for nearly a dec­ade. Seven years ago, Curtis fell in love at first sight with a charm­ing lake house in the town where she spent most of her child­hood. The res­tor­a­tion of the water­front cot­tage, erected in 1904, proved to be a tremendous under­tak­ing. But, much like the Detroit home, she is hop­ing to rescue through her law­suit against the DLBA, the under­tak­ing is one she is hope­ful will be well worth it once the his­tory and memor­ies tied to it are pre­served.

“With old houses, there’s still a lot of lead haz­ards and people don’t real­ize it,” Curtis observed. “You need to take neces­sary pre­cau­tions to abate dan­ger­ous mater­i­als. Every closet tub, for example, is resurfaced… and asbestos is never required in a house. Everything that we preserve is nat­ural, like a solid wood floor, stone or por­cel­ain tile.” In other words, unless “the old” is dangerous to one’s health or safety, it’s not always necessary to “out with the old and in with the new,” as fans of the home rehab­ber can expect to see in her new series.

Addict Lake House Rescue Host

Nicole Curtis

advocates for restoring and preserving old structures rather than demolishing them if that is an option. She’s worked on houses in Saint Paul, Minneapolis, Lake Orion, Detroit, and Akron, Ohio, among other places. Her work emphasizes on pre-World War II properties, and her remodeling attitude is to “return ancient homes to their previous beauty” rather than modernization.

Curtis was born and raised in Lake Orion, Michigan, where he attended Lake Orion High School and earned his diploma in 1994. Her ancestors ran a garbage company. She went to college in Georgia, Florida, and Michigan and had her son, Ethan, before she graduated. As of September 2014, she lives in a refurbished 1904 home in Detroit. Curtis initially intended to study law in college but eventually shifted to education. Curtis reported in July 2015 that she was carrying her second baby later that year gave birth to a son, Harper.

Addict Lake House Rescue Season 2 Release Date

As one of the most well-known reality shows, Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue premiered on July 13th, 2022 on TLC. After only a few episodes, this show became so popular that a second season was ordered. Yes! Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue Season 1 has officially aired its first few episodes. It’s no secret that Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue Season 1 Episode 2 is going to be a highly anticipated episode for the date’s loyal release. When will the next episode, Episode 2 come out? On July 27, 2022, the second episode of Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue Season 1 was published.

Is Nicole Curtis Coming Back To Tv?

Nicole Curtis is back! The star of HGTV’s Rehab Addict is launching her return to TV with a new tv show and a new approach after walking away from the spotlight two years ago. On Rehab Addict Rescue, debuting January 28 on HGTV and Discovery+, the design expert, 44, is half renovation guru, part life coach, as she comes to the help of families who are in over their heads after purchasing ancient homes in need of an overhaul.

Watching Curtis’s struggle to recover inspired some: “We all had those “What have I done?” moments. The monsters I’ve made are my own creations,’ “It’s in this week’s PEOPLE, which hits newsstands today. “But, ultimately, whenever somebody feels loving and enthusiastic about historic houses, I’m like, ‘All right, you got me there.'”

Addict Lake House Rescue Season 2 Trailer

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Katy Williams is an ambitious individual who is always looking to learn and grow. She has been a content writer for 2 years and loves to cultivate connections with her co-workers, as well as maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. In her free time, Katy likes to take walks outside and listen to music.
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