Anne Heche Accident: Heche Was Trapped in a House That Was on Fire for 45 Minutes

Mike Tyson

Anne Heche Accident: Anne Heche was stuck in a burning house for 45 minutes after she crashed her car into it on August 5. KNBC, an NBC station in Los Angeles, got this information from the Los Angeles City Fire Department.

The recordings, which the station got through the California Public Records Act, showed that it took firefighters at least 20 minutes to get to the car after they arrived and at least another 20 minutes to pull the car out of the burning house and get Heche out.

“Given the heavy fire and smoke, it wasn’t easy to see inside the car or get to it,” LAFD Deputy Chief Richard Fields told KNBC. “There’s a lot of smoke and a lot of fire, which makes it hard for us to just see each other inside a building that’s on fire,” Fields said.

The fire department said that Heche crashed her Mini Cooper into the house in the Mar Vista neighbourhood at 10:56 a.m. Recordings with timestamps showed that firefighters got to the scene at 11:01 a.m. Dispatchers later told the police that someone was stuck in the car.

The paramedics were then told to treat a woman found inside the house, but Fields said the station that it was not Heche but the woman who lived there. At 11:18 a.m., a firefighter radioed to say that there was no one else in the house.

Five minutes later, one of the people in charge of the situation asked where the driver was. At 11:25 a.m., a firefighter said they had found the driver still stuck in the car.

“We’ve found one person who can’t be reached right now because he’s pushed up against and under a floorboard,” the firefighter said.

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Fields told NBC Los Angeles that it turned out that person was Heche. He said she was lying on the Mini Cooper’s front passenger seat floor.

Heche was alive at the time, and firefighters used a tow truck to pull her car out of the wreckage while the actor stayed inside. NBC Los Angeles got records from the fire department that show she was taken out of the car at 11:49 a.m.

Heche was taken to the hospital, and a week later, he died there. She turned 53. The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner said that she died from breathing in smoke and getting too hot.

In a text message to NBC News, a spokesman for Heche said he had nothing to say. In an email, Heche’s 20-year-old son Homer Laffoon declined to say anything. Heche died without leaving a will, so Laffoon has filed paperwork to take care of her property. Atlas, who is 13, is Heche’s other son.

The Los Angeles Coroner’s Office is still looking into what happened. The fire department said that if they had known Heche was in the car, they probably wouldn’t have done anything different at the scene. After the accident, Heche went into a coma, and on August 11, he was declared brain-dead. A blood test showed that she was high on drugs.

Anne Heche Injuries

Dr Michael L. Cooper, who runs the burn unit at Staten Island University Hospital but is not treating Heche, tells ET that the actress is fighting for her life based on what has been said about her injuries.

“Anne has injuries that could kill her,” he said. “She got hurt when she breathed in something, which means that her airways were hurt. She couldn’t breathe independently and had third-degree burns that needed surgery to heal. So, these are injuries that could kill. She is right now fighting for her life.”

Cooper said that the fact that Heche was stuck in her car inside the house on fire made the crash even worse. “She was in an enclosed space, like a car or an apartment, which let smoke and poisonous gases build up to a high level. This hurt her airways and made it hard for her to breathe,” Cooper said. The doctor also told Heche what the latest news was about her health.

“She can’t take her breath. She got sick from breathing in smoke. She took in a lot of smoke, which hurt her airways. Because of this, she can’t breathe on her own, “he said. “She had to be helped to breathe by machines, or she would have died immediately. So, the people who came to help her did a great job getting her to a hospital. Then, the right care was given on a machine that helped her breathe, so she could breathe. She was hurt so badly that she couldn’t breathe alone.”

Anne Heche Died at the Age of 53

Even though the actress’s heart is still beating, she is brain dead, which California law calls death. In a statement to ET on August 12, the actress’s representative said that she was still on life support to give the OneLegacy Foundation time to find organ recipients who are a match.

The statement said, “Today, we lost a bright light, a kind and joyful soul, a loving mother, and a loyal friend.” “Anne will be greatly missed, but she will live on in her beautiful sons, her famous body of work, and the causes she worked so hard for. Her bravery in always telling the truth and spreading her message of love and acceptance will have an effect that will last for a long time.

Heche’s 20-year-old son, Homer, told ET, “My brother Atlas and I lost our mother. After six days of almost unbelievable mood swings, I feel a deep sadness that I can’t describe. I hope my mom is no longer in pain and is starting to enjoy what I like to think of as her eternal freedom.

“During those six days, tens of thousands of friends, family members, and fans told me how they felt,” he said. “I’m thankful for their love and for the support of my dad, Coley, and my stepmom, Alexi, who continue to be my rock during this time. I love you, Mom; rest in peace.”

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Mike Tyson is a content writer and an innovator at the company Digital Marketing. Mike Tyson has a degree in History from the University of Miami, but his passion for writing led to his career in content and journalism. He has a strong interest in sports and he also enjoys playing cricket on weekends.
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