Donald Studey Obituary Iowa: How Did He Die?

Katy William
Donald Studey Obituary Iowa

Donald Studey Obituary – In the American state of Iowa, a baby was born who would grow up to be Donald Dean Studey. He had spent his entire life there, so it seemed fitting that he should pass away there in 2013 at the age of 75. Even though he has been missing for quite some time at this point, his daughter’s charges have insured that his life will be in the public eye.

This is still the case despite the fact that his daughter brought it up originally. Lucy Studey, the man’s daughter, initially brought up the charges against her father in October 2022. She said her father had killed hundreds of people and then disappeared after telling his kids to bury the dead.

She said her father had left a note instructing her and her siblings to help him bury the dead. Her frightening allegations, first published by Newsweek, have prompted investigations by both the local police and the FBI. That she was accused of wrongdoing was originally revealed by Newsweek.

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She was quoted as claiming, “I know where the bones are buried,” to one media outlet during that time period. After being ripped from its original context, this sentence appeared as a comment. Lucy began her tale by recalling occasions when she and her brothers, together with their mother and a wheelbarrow or toboggan, helped their father move dead bodies around the house.

Occasionally, their mom was there, too. Besides being a pathologist, Lucy’s dad also helped out at the funeral home the family ran. Lucy’s dad worked in the mortuary business for many years.

She went on to explain that “He would just tell us that we had to go to the well,” and that she understood what it meant for them to do as they were told because she had been in a similar situation before. She knew what she was going through since she had been here before.

Who Was Alleged Iowa Serial Killer Donald Studey?

Donald Studey

Iowan native Donald Dean Studey passed away in 2013. He was 75 years old. In spite of the passage of time and the fact that he is no longer physically present, his daughter’s accusations have kept his name in the news. Lucy Studey, his daughter, alleged in October 2022 that their father had murdered scores of people and forced his kids to help bury the dead.

Police in her area and the FBI began looking into her claims after reading about them in Newsweek. She told the reporter, “I know where the remains are buried.” Lucy went on to describe how she and her brothers once helped their father transport a body using a wheelbarrow and a toboggan.

A trip to the well was all he had to say, and she understood exactly what it meant because she had been there many times before. “I climbed up to the hills and to the well and never thought I’d come back down. Because I wouldn’t keep quiet, I was afraid he would kill me.” According to Newsweek’s estimation, if Lucy’s father is responsible for the deaths of 50–70 women, he will go down in history as one of the most prolific serial killers in the United States.

Is There Proof That Donald Studey Was a Serial Killer?

There was an immediate investigation into Lucy’s claims, but it is still unknown if they are accurate. Authorities have a location, but it’s unclear if a crime was committed, Fremont County Sheriff Kevin Aistrope told CNN affiliate KETV. He said to the journalists, “We have a scene, but we don’t know whether it’s a crime scene.”

“To put it another way, we don’t have any bodies or victims. Nothing, “Furthermore, he mentioned. The police brought cadaver dogs to the scene of the crimes in question as part of their investigation, and while the dogs did give positive indications of being near the crime scenes, this in no way establishes guilt.

For or against the possibility of a crime scene, Aistrope promises to do everything in his power to establish the truth. “The least we can do is look into it, right? I’d like to think that any sheriff’s office in the state would investigate if they were presented with a similar situation.”

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Katy Williams is an ambitious individual who is always looking to learn and grow. She has been a content writer for 2 years and loves to cultivate connections with her co-workers, as well as maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. In her free time, Katy likes to take walks outside and listen to music.
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