Ebby Steppach Cause Of Death: Dr. Phil Investigates the Unsolved Murder!!

Ebby Steppach Cause Of Death

The death of Ebby Steppach was ruled a homicide. In defiance of her parents’ wishes, she moved in with her boyfriend, Daniel Westbrook. ‘Unsolved Homicide: Who Put Ebby Steppach in the Drainpipe?’ was the title of a Dr. Phil episode on Ebby Steppach’s case.

Her corpse was found in a Little Rock, Arkansas, sewage pipe. The kidnapping and murder of 18-year-old Ebby Steppach in 2015 garnered national news, and Dr. Phil uses his platform to raise attention to this case.

Ebby Steppach Cause of Death

Ebby Steppach, an American lady, passed away when she was just 18 years old. According to news accounts, homicide was determined to be the cause of death for Ebby Steppach.

For years, both the public and the police have been at a loss to explain what happened in the death of Ebby Steppach. Four years ago, in 2015, Little Rock police solved the mystery of Ebby’s disappearance by discovering her body in a drainpipe about 60 feet from where they had first located her vehicle.

On Thursday, many guests, including Ebby’s ex-boyfriend, made their television debut on the Dr. Phil Show. The most shocking development of the event was revealed by the family: according to them, the Little Rock Police Department is now saying that Ebby committed suicide.

“That’s insane. That’s when I just said ‘I’m done.’ I just closed the book on getting anymore help with the Little Rock Police Department,” said Laurie Jernigan, Ebby’s mother.

To verify this notion, private investigator Katherine Townsend descended inside the pipe containing Ebby’s remains.

“Ebby’s body was found down this drain pipe. She was over 70 feet in there,” said Townsend. ” To demonstrate how absurd the idea is that she would have gone down there on her own I’m actually going to crawl down in there.”

Townsend descended the ladder into the manhole that led to the sewer line at some point in the episode. To test whether Ebby could accomplish it on her own, she even tried to belly crawl inside the pipe. It was too tiny for her to get her whole body in, so she just went in as far as her chest before exiting.

In their response to us, LRPD said that they are currently looking into the case’s potential leads. In the episode, we heard from Ebby’s ex-boyfriend Eric, who has never discussed her disappearance in public. On the evening she vanished, he claimed to have seen her. He said she arrived at his residence distraught but otherwise unaffected.

“She just wasn’t her normal self, like that was gone. It wasn’t even a sense of urgency, just like she knew something was about to happen. She almost knew she wasn’t going to be okay,” said Eric.

Her loved ones were unable to reach her later that night, so he decided to give her a call. He claims she responded briefly, and that was the last time they spoke.

Eric speculates that she and her pals were in a horrific accident.

“They might have gave her something and she had a bad reaction and they like tried to leave and come back and realized she was gone. I feel like that’s what happened and they probably put her down there,” said Eric.

When Was Ebby Steppach’s Murder?

Over seven years have passed since Ebby Steppach was murdered, and her perpetrators have still not been apprehended. Ebby’s mother, Laurie, and the rest of her family and friends will never forget the mystery surrounding her daughter’s death.

Laurie, who has been on Dr. Phil twice before, is back to ask viewers for help once more. Catherine Townsend, a private investigator who has been working on the case for the last 18 months, believes that Ebby’s death was not a suicide and that her murderer may still be found.

While searching Chalamont Park again on May 24, 2018, police found human bones in a drain pipe close to where Steppach’s car had been found.

Extensive searches for Steppach’s body had been conducted in Chalamont Park before his remains were finally recognized. Family friend Margie Foley searched the area and reported smelling decay, which prompted more investigation.

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In addition to the speculation, a fresh investigator has been assigned to Ebby’s case.

The case will be solved, according to Tommy Hudson, the former lead investigator who delivered a statement to Dr. Phil. In addition, he said that he thinks a Little Rock resident was there when she was thrown down the sewer.

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