Escilda Hurtado Obituary: A Life Celebrated With Love And Fond Memories!!

Aaron Stewart
Escilda Hurtado Obituary

Escilda Hurtado, On October 5, 2023, a beloved community member died away. She passed away at age 96 at her Appleton Avenue home, surrounded by her family. In this essay, we remember Escilda Hurtado and consider her contribution to society.

Major themes throughout Escilda Hurtado’s life included love, family, and community. She traveled with bravery, dignity, and an unwavering love for the people she loved dear. Escilda endured numerous challenges during her life, but her fortitude and tenacity served as an inspiration to everyone she encountered.

Escilda Hurtado Obituary

A Liturgy of Christian Burial was held for Escilda Hurtado on Thursday, October 5, 2023, at 11 a.m. The liturgy was conducted at St. Ann’s Church in Lenox under the direction of Monsignor John Bonzagni. To commemorate and honor the deceased’s life, family and friends gathered.

The Funeral Service

The beautiful grounds of Mountain View Cemetery served as Escilda’s final resting place following the ceremony. Such a lovely and respectable resting place was fitting for a person who brought so much joy and warmth to others.

The Roche Funeral Home, 120 Main Street, Lenox, MA 01240, is where those who were unable to follow the funeral were welcomed to express their comfort to the family. From 9:30 to 10:30 that morning, before the funeral, there was a viewing.

Check out the related posts featured below in the obituary:

An Endless Memorial

Escilda Hurtado’s family has graciously asked for donations to be made in her honor. They have stated that they would want to see donations made to Hospice Care in the Berkshires in her honor. Contributions in memory are welcomed at the funeral home.


Everyone who knew and loved Escilda Hurtado mourns her passing terribly. But in the thoughts and hearts of those who were fortunate enough to know her, the light of her love, strength, and faith will always shine. As we reflect on the beautiful experiences we shared with her, celebrating her life gives us comfort and motivation.

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