Garland Owensby Obituary Leaving A Void In The SAGU Community

Aaron Stewart
Garland Owensby Obituary

The news we have to share with you in this post is tragic and upsetting. Garland Owensby, a man, has recently d!ed. According to a statement made by the Southwestern Assemblies of God campus, beloved professor Garland Owensby passed away on May 31, 2023.

Students and friends of Professor Owensby are devastated by his untimely passing. They have gathered to express their greatest condolences to his family and to extend their thoughts and prayers to them during this difficult time.

Many in the SAGU community have shared their grief over the loss of Professor Owensby, attesting to his lasting impact on their lives and the strong bonds he established among colleagues.

The following links will take you to various articles on the Obituary:

Garland Owensby Obituary

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania is the place of origin for Garland Owensby. A professor and the Coordinator of Youth and Student Ministries at Southwestern Assemblies of God University, he recently joined the faculty. His commitment to preparing youth for a lifetime of service in youth ministry was unyielding.

Garland worked as a youth and children’s evangelist in El Salvador, Central America, before coming to Southwestern. In addition to his time at First Assembly of God in Ocala, Florida, he served as pastor at Northside Assembly of God in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Garland lived his entire life with the intention of encouraging others and promoting the gospel.

Check here related tweet below on Garland Owensby Obituary:

A Car Crash Claims the Life of Garland Owensby

Sadly, on May 31, 2023, Professor Garland Owensby passed away, according to a statement released by Southwestern Assemblies of God University. A trustworthy source claims that Professor Owensby, a fixture at the university since 1998, was killed in a car crash.

No concrete evidence has been shown to confirm the various assertions made about the nature of his death, including the potential of suicide. The family of Professor Garland Owensby has asked to be given privacy at this time. The current priority is paying tribute to his memory and comforting his family.

The faculty, staff, and students of Southwestern Assemblies of God University are gathering to honour and remember Professor Owensby for his many years of service to the university and its students.

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