Is John McAfee Dead? His Death Declared By His Ex-Wife Demands Deeper Probe!!

Aaron Stewart
Is John McAfee Dead

A Spanish court has determined that the IT titan John McAfee committed suicide. His family had inquired about his death in jail. McAfee committed suicide in a Spanish prison in 2021, and his death has been officially considered a suicide.

Janice, the ex-wife, has requested additional investigation. McAfee has maintained that he is not suicidal and that he will be “whacked” if he takes his own life.

According to Reuters, today’s verdict stated, “There is not a single element of suspicion, of a charge against a third party, of criminal behavior.” A year after software pioneer John McAfee died mysteriously in a Spanish prison, his family has increased their quest for answers.

Is John McAfee Dead?

McAfee’s body is still sitting in a morgue in Spain with no one to claim it. His body was discovered in a Barcelona jail where he was being held pending extradition to the United States to face charges of tax evasion. Age-wise, he was 75.

After creating the first commercial anti-virus program, McAfee spent his final years traveling the world and becoming deeply involved in the Bitcoin and conspiracy scenes.

It’s hard to put into words what life has been like this past year,” McAfee’s widow Janice tweeted on Thursday:

Authorities in Spain said that McAfee committed suicide after he had been in jail for eight months. His loved ones are strongly insisting on a thorough probe since they disagree. His body is being detained while the judicial process plays out.

McAfee, who ran as a third-party candidate for US president in 2016 and 2020, reportedly had a $100 million fortune at one point. While much of his fortune was destroyed in the 2008 market meltdown, he continued to enjoy a luxury lifestyle while based on the island of Ambergris Caye in Belize.

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Police in Belize have named him as a suspect in the shooting death of American Gregory Faull, 52, who had previously complained about McAfee’s dogs. Faull was found dead in his home. Although Belizean officials never formally accused McAfee, they did say they were aggressively searching for him.

The family of Faull sued him for wrongful death in Florida, and they ultimately prevailed. The couple won $25 million, but they never cashed in their check.

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