Is Timothee Chalamet Dating Kylie Jenner? The Wildest Rumor On The Internet So Far

Rim Houston

No, we are not okay with the rumor that Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet are dating; it was the one that sent the internet into a frenzy in early April 2023. Chalamet explained his fear of the word “date” in an interview with W Magazine published in 2018. The term “date” strikes fear in many people’s hearts since it immediately establishes a time and place. Early date conduct is always revealing,”

he remarked. In an interview with i-D published in 2018, Chalamet shared his thoughts on what it means to him to “love truly” and “love openly” with Harry Styles. That our time on Earth is limited. Let’s all get along. Love intensely. Have no shame in your affection. And remember that the intelligent man is aware of his own ignorance but works to gain knowledge,” he remarked. Find out if this latest, most outlandish rumor has any basis in reality by reading on.

Here we were given the other celebrity relationship history below: 

 Is Timothee Chalamet Dating Kylie Jenner?

What’s the deal with Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet? There’s been no word either way on whether or if Timmy C and Kylie Jenner are dating, but on April 6, 2023, the celebrity rumor Instagram account DeuxMoi tweeted an anonymous tip claiming the two were. Remember that DeuxMoi (who knows who she is; her name is hidden from the public; however, we do know she lives in New York City) has never said that any of the rumors spread by her account are true.

She told the New York Times in 2020, “I’ve always been faithful to what I said from day one, which is that this material is not shown to be based in fact.” I don’t go out of my way to learn more. That’s not what I do; I’m not a journalist.

As Chalamet tends to keep to himself, it’s unlikely that we’ll hear from him directly. The actor addressed the press about his seldom social media use during a 2022 press conference at the Venice Film Festival.

Here is a tweet related to this topic:  

I can only speak for my own generation when I say that being young today, or at any time in history, is to be harshly evaluated. It was a comfort to play with individuals who are struggling inside without the opportunity to go on Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok and figure out where they belong in because I can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up with the assault of social media.

He elaborated, saying, “I’m not making a decision. Here is the place to locate your people. I find it challenging to be alive in the modern world. I sense an impending social catastrophe.

During this time, Jenner’s relationship with Travis Scott, with whom she had two children, ended for the second time in January 2023. The ‘Kardashian’ star and the ‘Sicko Mode rapper have reportedly been spending time apart since the holidays. Kylie and Travis are reportedly no longer together after the holidays, with a source revealing, “She traveled to Aspen to be with her family and friends up there.”

They have a history of “on again, off again” relationships, but even when they aren’t together, they’re still wonderful friends and co-parents. Their relationship has been impacted by their lifestyle differences. “Now that Kylie has two children, she rarely goes out. “Travis, on the other hand, is always up late working on music or hanging out with pals,” the insider reveals. They have mutual respect and love for one another, thus they will continue to co-parent together.

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Rim Houston is a content writer. He was graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in English Literature, where they had a double major in Comparative Ethnic Studies. In their free time, Rim enjoys exploring and finding new places to return to. Rim's favorite place that they have visited is Austin, Texas because it's diverse and offers different cultures.
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