Jimmy Fallon Death: He is Alive But Why #RIPJimmyFallon is Going Viral?

Aaron Stewart

Here we are talking about Jimmy Fallon Death and also finding out that is it fake news or not. As of Tuesday, November 15, Jimmy Fallon is trending on Twitter after yet another death hoax led some fans to believe the late-night presenter had suddenly died away.

However, it didn’t take long for fans to realise that the hashtag #RIPJimmyFallon was far from accurate, as Jimmy responded to it on Twitter.

However, the trend has given rise to “Sigma” jokes on Twitter, so if you’re unsure what the buzz is about, let us explain.

Jimmy Fallon is in Vogue, but Not for the Right Reasons

On Tuesday, after seeing a message claiming that their favourite television personality had passed away, worried fans flocked to Twitter to inquire about him.

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But a manipulated image of Jimmy Fallon was posted from a fictitious The Tonight Show account, along with the message: “It is with sorrowful hearts that we announce the demise of a late-night legend, husband, and father of two, Jimmy Fallon. 1923-2022.”

Source disproved the post since it gave his birth year as 1923 while, in reality, he was born in 1974. Jimmy would be 99 years old now if the age in the popular post were accurate. I don’t believe it!

On Twitter, Ligma Jokes Are Flirting

Other tweets claim Jimmy died of “Ligma,” but these are just dumb Internet jokes that spread when death hoaxes of this kind become popular.

For those who don’t know, “Ligma” is a made-up illness and online hoax that claimed Ninja, a Fortnite Livestream, as its victim. Additionally, it alludes to online jargon.

When the hashtag #RIPJimmyFallon became popular, trolls joined the discussion and started making Ligma jokes.

One person wrote: “I’m crying right now; it still stings that I lost a close buddy to Ligma last year. I’m sending prayers to Jimmy Fallon’s loved ones and friends. He is now in a better position.

Jimmy Fallon is famous because meme posters claim he passed away from “Ligma,” and Trump’s filing for reelection is a response. Twitter still has that same vibe, according to another user.

A third message said: Bro; When I first arrived on Twitter, I mistook Jimmy Fallon’s death for a joke.

After Elon Musk’s Assistance, Late-night Host

Jimmy has enlisted Elon’s assistance to eliminate the trending hashtag that suggests he is deceased.

“Elon, can you repair this?” the TV presenter tweeted from his account. #RIPJimmyFallon”. The Tesla CEO has not yet responded as of this writing.

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You have nothing to worry about because Jimmy is still alive and doing great. But it appears that until Elon finds a solution, you might have to put up with the spreading fad.

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