What Is Kathy Griffin Illness? “After Having Lung Cancer, My Voice May Never Be The Same Again”

Rim Houston

What would you do if you knew I was a cop? ‘Stop! Quit your arguing already! Try to be a little nicer! Asked Griffin.

The star of “My Life on the D-List” informed her audience of her lung cancer diagnosis in August 2021. A portion of her lung was removed during surgery a few days later.

The ex-“Fashion Police” co-host admitted she used to be addicted to pills and shared with her audience that she was hoping to overcome her problem without resorting to drugs.

What would you do if you knew I was a cop? ‘Stop! Quit your arguing already! Try to be a little nicer! Asked Griffin.

The star of “My Life on the D-List” informed her audience of her lung cancer diagnosis in August 2021. A portion of her lung was removed during surgery a few days later.

Here is a tweet related to her illness: 

The ex-Fashion Police” co-host admitted she used to be addicted to pills and shared with her audience that she was hoping to overcome her problem without resorting to drugs.

These are a few more articles about famous people who have become ill:

She went on, “I know I can do this and anything I want without those devil pills because I’ve been clean and sober for over a year.” In fact… Drug abuse and dependence terrify me even more than cancer. So, I believe I will be fine.

In November of 2021, Griffin made an appearance on Kimmel’s talk show and said that she was no longer battling cancer.

Griffin proudly proclaimed, “I’m cancer-free,” at the time. I mean, I had a tumor, so who knows? It was there for ten years, and I have never smoked. Then, get this: after removing it, another scan revealed its presence.

She continued about her voice, saying, “It will heal, but I’m sort of loving it. I’d say I’m at least two octaves above the average… It surpasses Mariah Carey in popularity.

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Rim Houston is a content writer. He was graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in English Literature, where they had a double major in Comparative Ethnic Studies. In their free time, Rim enjoys exploring and finding new places to return to. Rim's favorite place that they have visited is Austin, Texas because it's diverse and offers different cultures.
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