Kelly Rowland Died: Is She Still Alive? What Is the Truth?

Mike Tyson
Kelly Rowland Died

Early this week, word spread quickly that singer Kelly Rowland had died, making fans all over the world sad. But it’s now been proven that the October 2022 report was a complete lie and just the latest in a long line of fake celebrity death reports. Gladly, the former singer of Destiny’s Child is still alive and well.

There were rumours that the singer had died on Monday when a Facebook page called “R.I.P. Kelly Rowland” got almost a million “likes.” People who read the “About” page got a plausible explanation for how the American singer died.

“At about 11 a.m. ET on Monday (October 24, 2022), our beloved singer Kelly Rowland passed away. Kelly Rowland was born on February 11, 1981, in Atlanta. She will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.

Hundreds of fans were sad that the talented 41-year-old singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress had died, and they wrote condolence messages on her Facebook page right away. And, as usual, the death hoax made Twitter go crazy.

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Some fans were quick to believe the post, but others were immediately sceptical. They may have learned their lesson from the many fake reports of celebrity deaths in the past few months. Some people pointed out that the news wasn’t on any major American network, which suggests that it was a hoax since the death of a singer like Kelly Rowland would be big news on all networks.

A recent poll for the Celebrity Post shows that a large majority of people (91%) no longer find it funny to talk about Kelly Rowland’s death.

On Tuesday (October 25), Kelly Rowland’s people made it official that she is not dead. “She joins a long list of famous people who have fallen for this hoax. “Don’t believe what you see on the Internet, she’s still alive and well,” they said.

Some fans are angry about the fake report, saying that it was careless, upsetting, and hurtful to fans of the well-known singer. Others say this shows how popular she is all over the world.

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Mike Tyson is a content writer and an innovator at the company Digital Marketing. Mike Tyson has a degree in History from the University of Miami, but his passion for writing led to his career in content and journalism. He has a strong interest in sports and he also enjoys playing cricket on weekends.
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