Who Are Kirstie Alley Children? How Many Childs Did She Had?

Aaron Stewart

Here we are talking about Kirstie Alley Children. Although she was most known for her roles in Drop Dead Gorgeous and Cheers, Kirstie Alley said that being a mother to her two children was her favorite role.

The actress, who passed away at age 71 from cancer, was a mother of Lillie and William True. In a letter from sources, the siblings announced the passing of their “amazing, strong, and loving mother.”

They remembered her “zest and passion for life, her children, grandchildren, and her many animals, not to mention her eternal joy of creating, were unparalleled and leave us inspired to live life to the fullest just as she did.” “As iconic as she was on screen, she was an even more amazing mother and grandmother,” they said.

In 1992, Alley and her then-husband, Peter Stevenson, adopted their son True (who goes by his middle name). They welcomed their daughter Lillie two years later, making their family of four. Despite being divorced in 1997, Alley and Stevenson still shared joint custody of their kids.

I’m a nice mother, and that’s my best attribute,” Alley previously told in 2006. After True welcomed his baby in 2016, the actress experienced becoming a grandmother for the first time. “When your son has a son, it is happiness.

As promised, this is my hidden good news. Greetings to Waylon Tripp Parker “She shared a picture of True cradling his infant along with the message. Later on in the year, Alley spent her first Christmas with her grandson, describing the experience as “stupendous and exciting.” The two kids of Kirstie Alley are covered in detail here.

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Who Are Kirstie Alley Children?

William True, 30 Years

In 1992, Alley and Stevenson had their first child. The actress from Cheers later talked about her infertility issues, revealing that she had miscarried in 1990 at three months pregnant. She discussed her physical and emotional struggles following her miscarriage in her 2005 book.

“I just didn’t get over losing the baby. My body didn’t either. After nine months, I successfully persuaded my body that I was still pregnant since I was producing milk. I had recently been informed that it was highly conceivable I would never be able to have children, and I was still big and still grieving “She composed.

Two years after Alley and Stevenson’s miscarriage, they decided to adopt, and their son William True was born. Although Alley occasionally shared anecdotes about her children throughout the years, True spent most of her childhood away from the spotlight. She remarked of True and his sister Lillie in 2006, “They are protective of me.”

The actress listed her children as another source of motivation for living a healthy lifestyle. The Jenny Craig spokesperson explained why she was striving to achieve her objective of feeling more self-assured in a swimsuit: “My kids are usually in the pool, the ocean, or some lake inviting me to come in.”

Alley famously appeared in a bikini on Oprah in 2006 to celebrate her weight loss quest, and she admitted to the host that her kids had helped her along the way. “Can I do this, I asked my children. Will I make you seem bad? “She remembered. They were making fun of it. After dating for a year, True married his high school sweetheart when he was 17 years old.

Before her son’s wedding in 2010, Alley said to Ellen DeGeneres, “I feel wonderful because they’re really in love.” “True is calm under pressure. He’s a decent man. He is incredibly monogamous and lovely with her.” The actress then thought back on her previous unions. She admitted to DeGeneres, “I got married when I was just 19 years old and that didn’t work.

“After that, everyone advised me to get married when I was 30 years old, but that didn’t work either. As a result, I don’t consider myself to be an authority.” “I think if someone is in love and wants to get married then let them be in love and get married,” she said in conclusion.

Waylon Tripp Parker, True’s first kid, was born in 2016. Alley announced the baby’s birth on Twitter and posted several images of the infant. She captioned one of her pictures, “Just GOTTA send one more..proud Gammy.” A few months later, Alley celebrated her first Christmas as a grandmother with Waylon, who was then six months old. Alley described the occasion as “wonderful.”

“I had my grandson with me for three months and it was nothing short of fantastic and exhilarating,” she added. “My son and his girlfriend came to work for me for three months.” “As soon as that baby was awake when I woke up in the morning, I was carrying that baby, strolling about with him, showing him all the Christmas lights, and singing to him.”

The actress also talked about how enjoyable it was to follow her own son’s journey into fatherhood. To witness your child become a parent, she remarked, is heartwarming. “They are wonderful parents, my son and his girlfriend. There are no parents I could have imagined being more excellent.

I always believed my son will be because he enjoys spending time with infants and young children and gets along well with them.” Added her, “He simply makes a great father and is involved. They are both truly outstanding.”

Lillie, 28 Years

In 1994, Alley and Stevenson adopted their daughter Lillie, which led to yet another family growth. Over the years, Lillie has joined her mother at several red-carpet events, including the Sydney White movie premiere in 2007 and a charity gala in 2011.

Like her brother, Lillie spent most of her childhood away from the spotlight. With her partner Nick Trela, who she reportedly started dating at age 16, she found love at a young age, according to the Daily Mail.

Trela, unfortunately, perished in a motorcycle accident in Los Angeles in 2014 when Lillie was 20 years old. In pictures published by the Daily Mail, Alley and Lillie can be seen attending a memorial service for Trela with John Travolta and Kelly Preston.

In 2017, Lillie honored Alley on Instagram in honor of Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day, she wrote beside a vintage photo of the mother and daughter.

On Instagram in the same year, Lillie declared her engagement to Chaffee Burkhart Graham. “The love of my life proposed to me yesterday. There is no one I would rather spend every day within the entire planet.

I can’t wait to call you my husband because you are my favorite “She said next to a picture of the pair sharing a kiss as she displayed her new ring. In May 2021, Lillie gave birth to a son named Ripp Woodrow Graham.

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“You are flawless. I appreciate you making me a mother “He was born, she posted on Instagram. She created a cute collage of pictures to commemorate Ripp’s first birthday a year later, which included numerous pictures from his party.

One image of the young youngster astride a pony was described by her as follows: “My dearest pal. I’m grateful that you gave me a child. Every day, my love for you grows stronger.”

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