Citing Steroid Use to “Deceive” Clients, Liver King is Being Sued for $25 Million

Aaron Stewart

Here we are talking about Liver King is Being Sued for $25 Million. A New York resident is suing Brian “Liver King” Johnson for “deceiving” consumers of his Ancestral Supplements business after he admitted to using steroids in early December. On December 2, Liver King shocked the internet when he admitted to using steroids.

The bodybuilder and supplement vendor had previously claimed to be all-natural. Still, he came clean after his published emails showing that he had been using almost $11,000 worth of steroids every month. A man in New York has since filed a $25 million lawsuit against the 45-year-old.

Suing Liver King for “Deceiving” Supplement Purchasers

According to the court documents obtained by the New York Post, Johnson is being sued in the Manhattan Supreme Court by Christopher Altomare, a resident of New York. The accusation in the complaint, which was brought against both Ancestral Supplements, LLC and The Fittest Ever, LLC, is that Liver King tricked customers into purchasing his products.

Liver King is Being Sued for $25 Million

Johnson is accused in the lawsuit, which was brought on December 28, of intentionally being shirtless to portray “himself as the embodiment of health.” According to Altomare’s lawsuit, Liver was hawking “a risky and life-threatening diet,” which was to blame for some people contracting “severe” food-borne illnesses.

The raw foods Liver King ingested were frequently the focus of his movies, in which he included enormous amounts of liver, testicles, kidneys, and hearts. The lawsuit asserts that the diet is essentially unsustainable and that, as a result, people would have to purchase the supplements Johnson was offering. Altomare’s lawsuit also claimed that if Johnson had been using steroids the entire time, he and other customers would not have purchased the items.


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