Mom sentenced to prison for extreme child neglect


In England, a mother has been sentenced to seven years and six months in prison due to severe child neglect. The woman remained unidentified for legal reasons as she was convicted on Tuesday, Nov. 26 by the Chester Crown Court when the case came out that the mother used to keep her baby daughter in the drawer under a bed for almost three years.

Discovery of the Hidden Child

In February 2023, police discovered the abuse after a whimper emanating from a bedroom was overheard by the mother’s boyfriend and he called police, which led him to the hiding-in-a-drawer emaciated-and-severely underdeveloped girl. A female close to being three years of age and at least unable to crawl or talk, let alone walk.

Police said the mother had kept the child in concealment since the baby girl’s birth back in March 2020. The baby girl had not been registered, seen by any doctor, or even been outside in the sun or fresh air. She was only fed through a syringe and left alone for very long periods. 

The medical investigations then showed the extent of the damage brought about by such neglect. She had several untreated medical conditions, which included cleft palate, malnutrition, and developmental delays. Her body build was that of a 10-month-old infant, and because she received very little social contact and attention, she resorted to self-soothing gestures like rocking herself.

The court was told the child had never celebrated a birthday, received gifts, or interacted with her siblings. Social workers arriving on the scene were deeply shocked by the conditions in which the child was found and the complete lack of apparent remorse from the mother.  

The sentencing came after the mother pleaded guilty to four charges of child cruelty in October. The police termed the neglect as “unimaginable,” while the senior prosecutors pointed out the lack of basic care and compassion for the child.

The case has highlighted the need for early intervention and the role of community vigilance in identifying and addressing child abuse. Though currently the child is under protective care and receiving treatment, experts say she will most likely suffer from lifelong physical and emotional challenges.

The child has been able to make some progress in recovery since her rescue, including undergoing surgeries to deal with her medical conditions; however, professionals say she will continue to need support.

This is a sad and grim reminder of the burning need to protect children against abuse and neglect, and community and support systems must come together to protect vulnerable individuals against harm.

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