Nikita Dragun Bipolar Mental Health Pride Revealed In A Recent Video!

Aaron Stewart


Nikita Dragun is a make-up artist, model, and video creator with 14.35 million followers on TikTok thanks in large part to her authenticity about being a trans woman in the beauty industry. The founder of dragon beauty made a heartfelt apology on YouTube last month. According to the NIMH, you have been diagnosed with Bipolar illness, which is characterized by “unusual variations in mood, energy, activity levels, focus, and the capacity to carry out day-to-day responsibilities.”

“I’ve always considered social media as my diary,” Dragun says on Yahoo Life’s The Unwind. And when I consider all I’ve said here—the surgeries, the change, the expulsion from clubs, the Los Angeles way of life—my mental health journey has been one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome. that required me to share. In addition, I believe it to be a very serious issue that many people face.

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Although Dragun’s 26-year-old self reports a family history of bipolar disorder, she was “shocked” to learn of her own diagnosis at first because she didn’t know what it meant to be bipolar and didn’t make the connection between her own symptoms and the disorder. According to the Virginia native, “being happy and sad and this and that and the other weren’t my symptoms” of bipolar disorder.

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She continues, “Being bipolar isn’t what you see in the movies or on TV,” which was a hard lesson for her to learn. It’s not like you’re flip-flopping between extremes of feeling every second; they’re just a collection of unique people. Intermittent highs and lows, as well as manic and depressive episodes, last for significantly longer. And he’s a tornado of a person to spend time with and learn from.

Something was “affecting me in ways that were unusual,” she recalls, and this altered Dragun’s mood and made him feel uncomfortable. “It was just a turn of circumstances that really made me take a step back and truly treat my mental health seriously,” she explains. After making the change, I had to focus on self-care on all levels.

So he went to the physicians for treatment, and they concluded that he had bipolar disorder. He claims the last six months have been a “eye-opening” journey through his treatment options, as he has tried various medications in search of the right prescription. While coming to terms with her condition, Dragun has experienced a number of growing pains.

Being diagnosed has provided Dragun with “certainly greater clarity in my life,” he admits. I mean, there are times when it’s a bit tough, and I wonder if the diagnosis was right and other times when I doubt myself and my abilities. As someone who has recently received a diagnosis, I can say that this is a typical emotion to have; naturally, you don’t want to stand out or feel different from the others around you.

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Dragun’s experience of vulnerability has taught him the importance of telling his narrative, no matter how scary or terrifying it may seem. Someone often look to people like me to have the answers and to be campaigners and martyrs, but I don’t actually have all the answers,” he says. I can only speak for myself. As a result, I rely heavily on my online network, not only for solace but also for information. When it comes to your mental health, I believe it’s common to feel isolated and all alone, but know that you are not alone.

As a result of this incident, he has made improving his mental health a top priority. Dr. Dragun says, “I’ve tried to learn better therapeutic approaches” including meditation and journaling. I used to lose myself in job or unhealthy relationships, but now I make an effort to focus inside and nurture my own spirit.

The YouTuber enjoys getting her heart rate up by working out, but she also values quiet time alone to recharge. She finds that getting away from her “overstimulated” internet life by spending 10 to 15 minutes outside each day helps her concentrate. While many individuals find social media to be a source of stress, Dragun claims the friendships she’s gained are worth the occasional trolling she endures.

Throughout his life, he adds, “I feel like I’ve battled with bad opinions.” I was a weird child who grew up in a small town in Virginia called Springfield. Accordingly, I have adjusted to my new normal. Of course, that’s just how things go sometimes, but it’s still work. Still, I hope things will shift. Negativity might be difficult to ignore on days when you’re feeling bad, but I try to focus on the wonderful individuals I’ve met in my life. where the 10 folks who are constantly shouting and causing a disturbance usually sit.

However, there are countless others that care for and And it’s something I constantly remind myself of. I’m not going to lie,” Dragun says with a grin. “I allow myself to go out occasionally, and I do have my clapping days.” At a time when the trans and Asian American communities are under constant attack, Dragun is also devoted to living her life “as publicly and loudly as possible” in front of her adversaries. According to her, the animosity “kindles a fire in me” to pursue reform.

“I’m not simply uploading photographs of my butt all day; I want to have a message,” adds Dragun, whose Dragun Beauty showcases her best-seller. In celebration of Pride, we are offering our Transformation Kit for only $25 through the month of June. When Pride is over, this is the message we want people to take with them: “There’s a world out there that embraces and loves. People in rural areas “who may feel alone, alone, or as though they have no one to turn to.” If you look beyond your immediate social circle, you will find a welcoming community.

In my opinion, Pride is a constant reminder of this. The fact that we can all get together and throw a party where we can truly let our freak flags fly is one of the things I appreciate most about our neighbourhood. Of course, this means much more than a single calendar month.

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