Paul Manafort Net Worth: How Much Does He Make a Year?

Aniline Martin
Paul Manafort Net Worth How Much Does He Make a Year

Known as an American consultant, Paul Manafort. On April 1, 1949, Paul Manafort was born. The majority of people are looking for Paul Manafort’s net worth. So, the information has been updated here. Some people will be curious to learn about the biographies of the superstars they admire.

Similarly, we now see people looking up Paul Manafort’s net worth. Online searches for “What is Paul Manafort Net Worth” frequently produce results. To learn more, let’s delve into the details.

Paul Manafort’s net worth?

Paul Manafort is a political advisor, lawyer, lobbyist, and convicted felon with a $10 million net worth. He was a campaign strategist for several Republican Party presidents, including Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

Also, he has advocated on behalf of various global autocrats and repressive political systems. Manafort was accused of several offenses between 2017 and 2019, including witness tampering, tax, and bank fraud, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to defraud the US.

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Early Life and Education

Paul Manafort was born on April 1, 1949, to Paul Sr. and Mary in New Britain, Connecticut. His father was the mayor of New Britain from 1965 to 1971 and had fought in the US Army during World War II. He was later charged with corruption. Manafort attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School when he was a teenager. He continued his education at Georgetown University, where in 1971, he earned a BS in business administration. Later, in 1974, Manafort graduated from the same university with a JD.

Paul Manafort’s Personal Life

Manafort wed Kathleen Bond, another lawyer, in 1978. She received her JD from Georgetown University after graduating from George Washington University and passed the Virginia Bar Exam in 1988. She joined the Washington, DC Bar a few years after that. Andrea and Jessica Manafort are the names of the couple’s two daughters.

Paul Manafort’s Career  Beginnings

In 1977, Manafort started his legal career at the Washington, DC, office of Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease. The following year, he was appointed both the deputy political director of the Republican National Committee and the southern coordinator for Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign. Manafort was appointed associate director of the Presidential Personnel Office following Reagan’s election in 1980. He was then proposed for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation board of directors.

Paul Manafort’s Personal Wealth and Assets

Federal prosecutors claim that Paul Manafort had a net worth of more than $70 million at his height. Ultimately, he would hand over to the federal government more than $22 million in assets. He was found guilty of tax and bank fraud and given a prison sentence. He was detained between June 2018 and May 2020. After receiving a pardon from Donald Trump, he was freed.

Manafort reportedly spent $11 million on several real estate purchases between 2006 and 2012. A further $12 million in unreported payments from the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine are reportedly said to have been sent to him. Ultimately, he obtained seven home equity loans totaling more than $19 million. Years later, we discovered that Paul had worked as a consultant for Ukrainian millionaires, earning $60 million.

Paul Manafort’s The Hamptons Home

Paul and his wife purchased a 2.4-acre property in the Hamptons for $400,000 in 1994. They then went ahead and constructed a 5,700-square-foot house there. He is accused of using over $6 million in illegal cash to upgrade this residence. In November 2021, he sold this house for $10.1 million.

Paul Manafort’s Lobbying

Manafort entered the lobbying business in 1980 when he assisted in founding the Washington, DC, company Black, Manafort & Stone. Once Peter G. Kelly joined the team, the firm’s name was changed to Black, Manafort, Stone, and Kelly. A $600,000 contract between BMSK and Jonas Savimbi, the head of the Angolan rebel group UNITA, was inked in 1985.

Manafort and his company continued to advocate for numerous additional world leaders, many of them dictators, during the subsequent years. Manafort approved leaders, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Mobutu Sese Seko, the Philippines’ Ferdinand Marcos, and the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who was close to Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin. Manafort also advocated for the oppressive regimes in Kenya, Equatorial Guinea, the Dominican Republic, and Nigeria.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager

Manafort took on the role of campaign manager for Donald Trump in 2016. He met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and other Russian agents to gather damaging material on Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton, during his brief tenure in this post, among other unlawful activities.

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Five months after taking the position, Manafort ultimately resigned as campaign chairman. In 2019, it was discovered that he had misled investigators over his communications with Russian intelligence operative Konstantin Kilimnik and the Trump administration’s participation in Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Paul Manafort’s Criminal inquiries and accusations

Before and during his time serving as the chairman of Trump’s presidential campaign, Manafort has been the focus of numerous criminal investigations. The FBI began investigating his interactions with former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

Manafort was then under active investigation by many federal agencies for his involvement in Russia’s participation in the 2016 presidential election right before Trump was inaugurated in 2017. The United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ultimately concluded that Manafort had collaborated with Konstantin Kilimnik to support Russia’s meddling in the election and to hide the evidence.


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