Seeking Sister Wife: Meet the New Couples on Season!!

Aaron Stewart
Seeking Sister Wife

Having more children. Seeking Sister Wife is a TLC show in which couples share their experiences with polygamy with viewers. The popular program depicts the sometimes rocky path men take while “seeking, dating, or incorporating a new wife” into their homes. Is it true that some couples have broken up while others have stayed together?

Ashley and Dimitri Snowden, longtime franchise stars, spoke out about their experience of bringing a sister’s wife into their family over the course of three seasons. Although Joselyn was the focus of Season 1’s storyline, the connection between her, Dimitri, and Ashley ultimately failed.

When they pursued Vanessa Cobbs in Season 2, they seemed to have more success. The episode included their lovely spiritual wedding ceremony, but things swiftly deteriorated thereafter. After barely a year of marriage to the Snowdens, and soon after filming the season 2 tell-all, Vanessa left the family.

The cast of Seeking Sister Wife Season includes who?

Seeking Sister Wife has announced its returning and new cast members, as well as those who will not be included in the next season.

Returning cast members

1) Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield

Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield, a popular pair from the previous season, have returned to the TLC series. After being married for ten years without straying, Garrick saw this as a message from God to begin practicing polygamy.

The couple, who had two boys together, met a Brazilian woman named Roberta online and decided to split in order to make room in their family for her, over the objections of Dannielle’s parents. They are now spending the Colorado winter in anticipation of the arrival of the new sister’s bride.

To bring her to the United States, Garrick applied for a K-1 visa after visiting Brazil. Garrick is seeing someone new, Lea, while still trying to get Roberta to show up. Roberta, meanwhile, isn’t too keen on the idea of polygamy and has asked her prospective spouse to avoid spending time with Lea.

2) Tosha and Sidian Jones

Sidian and Tosha Jones, who appeared on Season 3 of Seeking Sister Wife together, are returning for Season 4 and are now long-distance courting a possible sister-wife from the Philippines named Arielle. Tosha’s mother is “not a fan” of her daughter’s predicament, despite Sidian’s description of her as having “the most perfect face, a perfect body.”

Sidian is hesitant to bring his sister’s possible marriage to the United States because he is afraid she is “out of his league.” They may have to separate because of this.

New polygamous relationships this Seeking Sister Wife season

1) Nick, April, and Jennifer Davis

The trio has a complicated connection and is the first family to join the returning cast of the program. These actors engage in a unique kind of polygamy. The two women in the triad, April and Jennifer, are legally married and have chosen Nick’s last name to indicate family unity and the fact that they consider themselves his wives.

The following information may be of interest to you if you want to know when the following series:

2) Steve and Brenda Foley

Interested in meeting new Sister Wives Steve and Brenda Foley will make their dramatic debut as they try to extend their family with a prospective sister wife, and they have prior experience with polygamy. They want to have a family and are pursuing a much younger woman, who is believed to be a sibling, in the hopes that she will be the one.

3) Marcus, Taryn, and India Epps

The Epps children, Marcus, Taryn, and India, join the cast in Season 4 as another polygamist family. Marcus is engaged to Inda, and he and Taryn just tied the knot. A multiple family, they are “actively seeking another wife to join their group, but they have to overcome some growing pains.”

There is tension between the three of them because of this arrangement; for example, in the preview, India is angry with Marcus for breaking the agreement by going out on a date with another lady after curfew.

Who is not going to make an appearance in the fourth season of Seeking Sister Wife?

1) Ashley and Dimitri Snowden

This episode of the series will not include the divisive couple. After many unsuccessful romances with possible sister spouses, including a brief marriage to a lady called Vanessa, Ashley and Dimitri Snowden featured in the first three seasons. The Season 2 conclusion showed their wedding, but Vanessa later said she was leaving the family.

The Snowdens began dating Christine, a local of South Africa, in Season 2. She subsequently leveled abuse allegations at both Ashley and Dimitri.

Production executives decided to stop the program last year after multiple partners accused Dimitra of violence and abuse. The Snowdens will not be returning now that a new season has begun.

2) The Winder family

The Winder family has said they will no longer be associated with the Seeking Sister Wife series. They praised the network for airing their tale and sent their best wishes for the upcoming polygamous couples on Instagram.

We can tell the program is going in a new direction, therefore it makes logical that we weren’t re-signed. We hope for the best for the other families and are thankful to TLC for the chance to share our experience, which we will do on social media in an honest and forthright manner.

This season’s 14 episodes of the TLC program, created by Bright Spot Content, an All3Media America subsidiary, will provide viewers a look into the lives of polygamists as they navigate the challenges of numerous marriages and daily living.

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