Top 11 Movies Like The Thing, Don’t Miss If You Like John Carpenter

Hannah Arendt
Top 11 Movies Like The Thing

The Thing, directed by John Carpenter, is one of the most iconic horror films of all time and a must-see for Halloween. Check out some other scary movie suggestions. John Carpenter’s The Thing is a great horror film that is guaranteed to be revisited by horror lovers in the run-up to Halloween. The narrative of a research team in Antarctica that is hunted by an alien that disguises itself as its victims is the subject of this horror film starring Kurt Russell and a stellar cast.

In spite of the fact that The Thing was a box office failure when it was released in 1982, many consider it to be one of the finest horror films ever made. Gore, iconic monsters, and lots of paranoid dread make it the ultimate Halloween movie. Listed below are some excellent alternatives if you’re a fan of this cult classic and want to find something comparable.

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The Thing (2011)

For a long time, horror moviegoers assumed that 2011’s The Thing was a remake of John Carpenter’s original. However, this is a prequel that explains what happened to the other facility that was explored in the first film.

This prequel is a significant step backward from the original and, given how closely it mimics Carpenter’s film, could as well be a remake. However, fans of the original film from 1982 will enjoy seeing all the Easter eggs and references in the prequel as well as the missing puzzle pieces it adds.

The Hateful Eight (2015)

A bounty hunter and his prisoner take sanctuary in a cabin currently occupied by a gang of criminals in the middle of a Wyoming winter. A stagecoach hurtles through the snowy Wyoming countryside some time after the Civil War.

Even though The Hateful Eight isn’t a horror film, Quentin Tarantino’s tribute to The Thing is evident. One of the key themes of the film is that of trust, as the cast of characters in this Western is all confined in a cabin together in the middle of a snowstorm. Ennio Morricone’s music is also featured in the picture, which has a remote snow-covered location and intense paranoia. There’s even Kurt Russell among the impressive cast. The Hateful Eight is a thrilling thriller, but it isn’t Tarantino’s best work.

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

10 Cloverfield Lane was an unexpected addition to the Cloverfield universe. After a vehicle accident, Mary Elizabeth Winstead finds herself in an underground bunker. The owner of the bunker (John Goodman) claims that the world is in danger and that they must remain in the bunker at all costs.

Although 10 Cloverfield Lane presents a sci-fi concept, the human characters’ uncertainty about who they can trust is the primary source of the film’s suspense. It’s a thrilling ride capped off with a great turn by John Goodman.

Green Room (2015)

A punk rock band unwillingly agrees to play a show at a neo-Nazi compound in the nasty and compelling thriller Green Room. As soon as the show is over, the band finds themselves locked in a small room with their murderous hosts, commanded by Patrick Stewart, after witnessing something they weren’t supposed to see.

Saulnier certainly draws inspiration from Carpenter’s work in his films. Similar to The Thing’s claustrophobic and hopeless condition, the protagonists find themselves in a Nazi-infested bunker.

Alien (1979)

As far as outer-space horror flicks go, Ridley Scott’s Alien is a no-brainer in the category. During a distress call, the crew of an industrial spaceship responds and ends up accepting an unexpected guest on board. There’s a lot of suspense in this film because of the cramped environment, which makes it feel like a submarine thriller with a dangerous extraterrestrial on board. In addition, the creature work is equally impressive, making for one of the most unforgettable movie monsters since The Thing.

The Void (2016)

As a police officer transports an injured victim to the hospital’s emergency room to be treated by the hospital’s small night shift staff, the film’s confined setting is a hospital. In the meantime, a bunch of masked strangers storm the hospital, forcing them to remain inside. These frightened hostages are caught in the middle of a terrifying supernatural threat as they struggle to stay alive.

It is apparent that The Void is an homage to Carpenter’s work in the 1980s horror flick. Even though it’s not for the squeamish, this is a nasty and disturbing picture that’s a lot of fun to see.

The Faculty (1998)

In addition to vampires and zombies, Robert Rodriguez has also tackled aliens in one of his most overlooked flicks. There is a group of high school pupils who begin to believe their professors are aliens from another planet in the film The Faculty.

Its goofy premise works well as a backdrop for this ’90s horror gem with a wicked sense of humour. Salma Hayek and Elijah Wood are two standouts in a cast full of likeable actors.

3The Descent (2005)

The Thing has an all-male cast, but The Descent has an all-female cast. The story revolves around a gang of female cave explorers. They find themselves stranded in a dark tunnel system, surrounded by mutant creatures. You can’t get a more claustrophobic setting than a cave. In the beginning, it is a suspenseful and tense thriller, with some excellent scares and a considerable deal of tension amongst the human characters.

The Mist (2007)

As memorable as the creature attacks are in The Thing, the human protagonists’ paranoia helps to heighten the experience. The Mist, Frank Darabont’s adaptation of Stephen King’s short story, takes a similar method. Small-town residents are terrorised by creatures from another realm as mysterious mists take hold of the area. Fear drives a gang of survivors to commit murder at a grocery shop where they take refuge.

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)

The 1978 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is the closest thing to The Thing in terms of building suspense over time. A peaceful alien invasion takes place in a tiny village, where humans are replaced by alien doppelgangers. The picture features a strong cast, including Donald Sutherland, Jeff Goldblum, and Leonard Nimoy, in a wonderfully crafted thriller. The suspense never lets up until the film’s jaw-dropping climax.

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