What Happened to Sharkeisha: Is She Dead?

Mike Tyson
What Happened to Sharkeisha

What Happened to Sharkeisha: Sociologist Maurice Halbach said that the internet never forgets, and the Sharkeisha story is another example. With the spread and use of digitization, things have become even more difficult. You must be careful about what you do or post on the internet, or you could become a trending topic for days, weeks, or even months. Even more interesting is how quickly you could become a meme, gif, or object of ridicule for the rest of your life because the internet keeps records. Sharkeisha became a big deal on the internet when a video of her getting into a fight went viral at the end of 2013. In the video, she can be seen throwing angry punches at her classmate ShaMicheal Manuel. Some people found it funny, and they liked how memes and sarcastic jokes were made out of it on the internet. But for some people, there was nothing funny about it. It was an apparent attack.

Even though it’s been more than 8 years since the event, memes, gifs, and sarcastic jokes are still very popular on many social media sites. So, even though we think Sharkeisha is an adult now, we can’t stop wondering where she is.

Sharkeisha Thompson Fight Video Breakdown?

Best friends or siblings rarely fight when they argue, regardless of the reason. There are more effective approaches to handling problems, like a conversation. Unfortunately, though, Sharkeisha, 16, wasn’t buying it. Instead, she gave her then-17-year-old best friend, ShaMicheal Manuel, a full-on karate attack. She rose to fame after a video showed her brutally assaulting an unwitting ShaMicheal Manuel in a matter of seconds went viral on November 13th, 2013.

She was caught on camera kicking ShaMichael in the chest and throwing fierce punches in the face. Sharkeisha was furiously angry. ShaMicheal Manuel didn’t give up, not even when she threw herself to the ground and tried to cover her head with her hands. Fortunately, a friendly third party separated Sharkiesha from ShaMicheal, her target.

Sadly, there was significant damage. The event left ShaMicheal with a black eye, a busted lip, and other minor wounds. She also became a laughingstock online as Sharkieisha received support from online strangers.

Sharkeisha Thompson Fight Video Breakdown

Why Sharkeisha And ShaMicheal Fought?

Along with the physical changes to boys’ and girls’ bodies that occur throughout puberty, the surging sexual hormones can occasionally be dangerous. From continually encouraging teens to engage in safe sex to acting as their adversaries or confidants. In Sharkeisha and ShaMichael’s situation, the “girls’ codeless “‘s evil was sexual hormones. It is clear that a girl is not allowed to date or have feelings for another girl’s boyfriend or crush. But one of the females cracked the code, and all hell broke loose.

Up until the vast argument, the girls were the closest of friends. Unaware, ShaMichael went to Sharkeisha’s house to get her belongings. On the other side, Sharkeisha had set up an ambush for her. ShaMichael mentioned that Sharkeisha was upset regarding a schoolboy they both have feelings for. Thus, she assaulted her. Oops! We believed that QUEENS don’t quarrel over boys.

Sharkeisha Was Jailed?

On the surface, the incident may have been written off as a comedy sketch or material to drive traffic. However, there was no doubt that it was an assault. ShaMicheal has a shattered lip, a black eye, and other minor wounds. The tragedy saddened ShaMicheal’s mother. Maybe the incident wouldn’t have made it to the internet if their other buddies hadn’t recorded it. In the end, Sharkeisha was taken into custody and freed on a $500 bond.

Where is Sharkeisha Currently?

The death of Sharkeisha has been the subject of numerous rumors over the years. She allegedly perished in a hit-and-run, according to the first one. The other claimed that she and her buddy, who survived, were killed in a drive-by shooting. It has been established that she is alive, contrary to these rumors. Currently residing in New York City, Sharkeisha works as an Instagram model. She does, however, keep a modest profile both offline and online.

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Mike Tyson is a content writer and an innovator at the company Digital Marketing. Mike Tyson has a degree in History from the University of Miami, but his passion for writing led to his career in content and journalism. He has a strong interest in sports and he also enjoys playing cricket on weekends.
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