Who is Ainsley Earhardt Married to Now: Is She Still Open to Marriage?

Katy William
Who is Ainsley Earhardt Married to Now

Even while Sean Hannity gets the most attention as a Fox News host, his girlfriend is a big deal at the conservative news outlet as well. At the University of South Carolina, Ainsley Earhardt studied journalism and graduated in 1999. After finishing college, she began working as a reporter for a station in her adopted hometown of Columbia, South Carolina, where she was soon recognized as “Best Personality of the Year” by Columbia Metropolitan Magazine (via The Famous People).

After starting her career at KENS-TV in San Antonio, Texas in 2005, Earnhardt relocated to New York in 2007 to co-host “Fox & Friends” on Fox News. She told TVNewser (via The Famous People) on her first day that she was there in honor of her parents “They’re fantastic human beings. Those people have put in a lot of effort to provide for me.”

She has co-hosted “Fox and Friends Weekend,” “Fox’s All-American New Year’s Eve,” and “America’s News Headquarters,” in addition to her work on “Fox & Friends,” and she makes regular appearances on “Hannity” in a segment called “Ainsley Across America.” She has also written two novels for youngsters with her daughter Hayden as a co-author.

She told Tampa Bay Parenting, “I wrote ‘Take Heart, My Child’ during my pregnancy with Hayden and ‘Through Your Eyes’ after she was born.” “In creating them, I drew on lessons learned as a child that I hoped would have an impact on my daughter and other children throughout the world. Expressions of affection, confidence, and tolerance abound in them.”

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Who is Ainsley Earhardt?

American author and television host Ainsley Earhardt. She is currently a co-host on Fox & Friends. Before she had finished at the University of South Carolina, she was hired as a reporter for WLTX in Columbia. She was the morning and midday anchor during the years 2000 to 2004.

After graduating in 2005, she moved to San Antonio, Texas, where she currently anchors daily morning and lunchtime newscasts for KENS-TV. She ran the Texas half-marathon, the Austin when she was in the Lone Star State.

Is Ainsley Earhardt Married?

Ainsley Earhardt did, in fact, tie the knot. However, she recently got divorced. Ainsley Earhardt’s first spouse was named Kevin McKinney. In April 2005, she tied the knot with Kevin McKinney; by 2009, the couple had divorced. She wed former Clemson University quarterback Will Proctor in October 2012. They’re a one-child family. After announcing their separation in an official statement in October 2018, Proctor eventually filed for divorce. Separation took place in 2019.

Is Ainsley Earhardt Married To Sean Hannity?

Is Ainsley Earhardt Married To Sean Hannity?

There is no marriage between Ainsley and Sean Hannity. Yet, Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity are rumored to be dating. Contrary to what Ainsley claimed in the interview,

“My current priorities include taking care of my baby.”

Anyone at Fox News can attest to Sean’s greatness as a human being and the luck of his future date “In a statement, Ainsley expressed her opinion.” I’m single at the moment. Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity reportedly partied together, per a magazine.

Sean and Ainsley Have Not Confirmed Their Relationship

Sean Hannity has been seeing Fox News anchor Ainsley Earhardt since 2019. After Hannity’s 25-year marriage to Jill Rhodes ended, he and Rhodes began dating. As for Earhardt, she’s been hitched twice. She tied the knot with Kevin McKinney in 2005, and by 2010 they were officially separated. After dating for two years, Earhardt finally tied the knot with Will Proctor, with whom she has a daughter named Hayden. According to “The Famous People,” their marriage terminated in 2019.

In 2020, Hannity and Earhardt apparently made their relationship public when they flew in together in a helicopter to a party. According to Vanity Fair, Earhardt hosted “Fox & Friends” from the basement of Hannity’s Long Island estate and apparently utilizes his lawyer as her television agent.

Though, as of this writing, neither has admitted they are a couple. Now, my priority is being a good parent to my kid. Anyone at Fox News can attest to Sean’s greatness as a human being and the luck of his future date “In a statement, Ainsley expressed her opinion. I’m single at the moment.

Ainsley Earhardt is Still Open to Marriage

There were rumors of cheating in both of Ainsley Earhardt’s marriages. She married Kevin McKinney, her college love, in 2005, but they split up in 2009 due to infidelity suspicions (via Heavy). Hayden Proctor was born in 2015 to Earhardt and her husband Will Proctor, a former Clemson starting quarterback. After being together for three years, the pair broke up due to cheating allegations made against Proctor by Earhardt’s best friend.

According to the New York Post, Proctor said,

“There is not one ounce of truth to the allegations that I had an affair.”

What started as a private conversation has now been made public, and it saddens me. Even if my wife has decided to move on, I am still dedicated to doing my best as a father and keeping our relationship cordial.”

The host of “Fox & Friends” has been married twice before and is willing to try again.

“One day I hope to show Hayden what a healthy, loving relationship looks like.”

Nonetheless, I can’t say for certain when that will occur, “the speaker remarked (via Distractify). If it is God’s will, He will bring the appropriate man into my life, and He will do it at the proper moment.

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Katy Williams is an ambitious individual who is always looking to learn and grow. She has been a content writer for 2 years and loves to cultivate connections with her co-workers, as well as maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. In her free time, Katy likes to take walks outside and listen to music.
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