Xavier McDonald Obituary: Cause of death: On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, an online obituary said that Xavier McDonald, who lived in Westfield, Indiana, had died suddenly. But the cause of his death was not known.
We can’t find the right words to show how sad we are about your loss and mourning with your family and friends. We are unfortunate to hear that this bright person has died. Please accept our sympathy, and may our prayers bring you comfort. Please know that we are very sorry for your loss.
Feel free to send condolences and prayers to the family and friends of the person who died. It will help them a lot during this challenging time.
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At least three people are dead after two old planes from World War II crashed into each other at an air show in the US state of Texas.
According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the accident happened around 1:20 p.m. Saturday at the Wings Over Dallas air show.
The video shows the planes hitting each other at a low altitude, breaking one in half. When it hits the earth, it looks like a fireball.
One of the planes was a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, and they were all taking part in a memorial air show near Dallas.
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