Big news in Florida! Police caught a 63-year-old man for doing something really scary: sending bomb threats to churches. It’s got everyone talking and wondering why someone would do such a scary thing. Let’s take a closer look at what happened and what it means for the people involved.
63-Year-Old Florida Man Arrested For Sending Bomb Threats To Churches
A man was taken into custody after deputies stated he left packages with threatening notes and bomb threats at two churches in Brevard County.
63-year-old Florida man angered by ‘wokism’ arrested in bomb threat and suspicious packages at two churches
— Josh Mankiewicz (@JoshMankiewicz) May 14, 2024
Timothy Stamant faces charges of sending written threats to kill and causing a disturbance at a religious institution following the incident on Sunday, according to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office.
The 63-year-old Lake Wales resident was apprehended while leaving two packages at Clearlake Baptist Church and Shield of Faith Ministries in Cocoa, Sheriff Wayne Ivey reported. The packages contained handwritten notes with multiple alleged threats, including “I am the donation bomber” and threats to bomb “all woke people.”

The packages were left during Sunday morning services, leading to the evacuation of both churches “due to the content of the notes and to ensure the safety of the attending citizens,” as stated in Stamant’s arrest affidavit.
Sheriff Ivey described the contents of the packages, stating, “There were various notes inside, almost like a manifesto, expressing his dislike for different groups of people.” He added, “He was mainly upset about what he called ‘woke-ism,’ taxes, grifters, the situation in Ukraine, and even George Soros – although, who isn’t upset with George Soros? But still – this is not the way to address these issues.”
According to the affidavit, Stamant stated that he wanted to raise awareness within these churches about issues affecting the Black community and expressed frustration with what he perceived as government incompetence and corruption.
The Explosive Ordinance Disposal team from the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office responded to both churches and determined that the packages posed no threat.
Deputies also visited Stamant’s residence, located approximately a mile from the churches he purportedly targeted. Sheriff Ivey remarked on Stamant’s lack of foresight, noting that his name and address were found on a document inside the package, which enabled deputies to locate him.
Additionally, deputies discovered that the white van captured in surveillance footage at the churches was registered under Stamant’s name.
According to the affidavit, Stamant mentioned that he had been writing and delivering notes to local churches for several months, but this is the first instance of anyone raising concerns about it.
Sheriff Ivey condemned Stamant’s actions, describing them as not only foolish but also perilous. He emphasized that Stamant’s behavior was intended to instill fear in people’s minds, which is unacceptable.
Sheriff Ivey vowed that such behavior would not be tolerated in the community, stating, “If you target our religious institutions, we will arrest you and put you behind bars.” He commended his team for promptly taking action against Stamant.
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