A devastating incident involving the murder of her young daughter by her mother sends a community into shock. Marisol Vazquez, 37, was charged with first-degree murder following the death of Lucia, her 21-month-old daughter. The tragic incident occurred on December 20 and sent shockwaves through the community, raising many questions about mental health and its aftermath. ,
The Chilling Discovery
Emergency first responders were called to a Chicago apartment early on December 20 and found a harrowing scene. Vazquez was said to have been found naked in a bed while her daughter lay unresponsive behind her. When first responders tried to revive Lucia, water came out of her mouth. Wet clothes and bathwater were found in the tub. Sad to say, Lucia would be declared dead shortly after arrival at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Details within the arrest report said Vazquez’s initial comments to detectives made little sense. He spoke about being “trapped by electronics” and referred, bizarrely, to how “a need to be with nature”.
The Stunning Admission
The investigation took a turn for the worse when Vazquez allegedly confessed to having smothered Lucia with a bedsheet. She later told police she acted under the influence of “voices” in her head, which, she said, told her to take her own life along with her daughter’s in order to save the child from something worse.
Prosecutors also revealed that Vazquez attempted to drown herself in desperation and, failing in that, tried to harm herself in other ways. After being assessed for mental health issues at a hospital, she was booked into jail.
Legal Proceedings and the Road Ahead
Marisol Vazquez remains in Cook County Jail and will be back in court on January 7. As this story unfolds, the case brings up so many broad issues concerning struggles with mental health and their harmful effects on a person and those close to them.
The tragic loss of Lucia has sent ripples in the community, spurring conversations regarding mental health access and crisis intervention. While legal consequences will determine the end for Vazquez, the case puts a spotlight on the demand for systemic change to try and avoid tragedies of this kind.
The untimely death of Lucia has left the community in mourning, with many to wonder what could have been done to avoid this tragic incident. For now, all eyes stay with the court proceedings and further investigations that will keep unfolding in this deeply tragic case.