County Commissioner Kayla Marcella surprised many when she announced her resignation from her position in a press release issued last Wednesday, March 20th. Marcella’s decision to step down from her role has sparked curiosity and raised questions among residents and officials alike. In this detailed exploration, we’ll delve into the circumstances surrounding Marcella’s resignation and when will it be effective.
Commissioner Marcella’s Resignation
In a news statement on March 20, County Commissioner Kayla Marcella said she was stepping down from her position. Her resignation is going to take effect on April 5.
In the news release, Marcella said that she decided to leave because she had a new career opportunity. She said that she would like to keep the new position a secret for now, but she will be staying in Leadville and working at the same charities she already does.
Marcella was voted to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) in 2018 and was back for another term in 2022. Her term is still going strong with two years left. The Lake County Democratic Central group will set up a vacancy group to choose someone to take her place.

People who want to run for office can apply by calling the Lake County Democratic Central Subcommittee. Marcella has offered to help with making appointments.
Marcella said that the things she is most proud of about her time at BOCC are how the county handled the COVID-19 pandemic, how the county manager position was created, and how the nearby transportation route was made.
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the voters of Lake County for affording me the opportunity to serve, and congratulate the community on what we have achieved during my tenure,” Marcella said.
“It has been a privilege to serve in this role alongside so many dedicated public servants and to learn from each of them and county residents.”
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