New Tomb Raider games are being developed on Unreal Engine 5, according to Crystal Dynamics. “High-quality cinematic action-adventure experience” was promised by Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider series general manager Dallas Dickinson, but he exhibited no gameplay or visuals and didn’t provide a release date or title in his announcement at the State of Unreal 2022. Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider series, according to Dickinson, want to “push the frontier of fidelity” and provide an experience fans demand.
As of this writing, Crystal Dynamics is the latest large developer to announce plans to use Unreal Engine 5 for its future project. Unreal Engine 5 will be used by CD Projekt Red and The Coalition as well as the upcoming Witcher game, which has previously been confirmed. Since 2018’s Shadow of the Tomb Raider, this will be the first new mainstream Tomb Raider game. Tomb Raider has been rebooted by Crystal Dynamics in recent years and shows us a new look at Lara Croft’s origins in a grittier environment. It has worked with Microsoft’s Initiative studio on a revival of Perfect Dark and Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War.
Lara Croft is a more experienced explorer in the original Tomb Raider games, something Crystal Dynamics game director Will Kerslake talked about at last year’s 25th anniversary of the brand. However, Kerslake also stated that Crystal Dynamics was not ready to announce a new game at the time of his interview.
More information can be found in the official Unreal Engine 5 announcement, which provides links to two demo games that developers can use as a starting point for their own work. According to a recent announcement from Crystal Dynamics, a new Tomb Raider game is now in production. Also revealed was the use of Epic Games’ newly launched gaming engine, Unreal Engine 5, for the upcoming installment in the famous action-adventure franchise.
State of Unreal 2022 was a showcase for the brand-new game engine, and the news was made during that presentation. Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider franchise general manager, Dallas Dickinson, appeared at the event and stated that the studio is working on a new Tomb Raider game that will run on Unreal Engine 5. “Our goal is to push the envelope of fidelity and create the high-quality cinematic action-adventure experience that fans demand from both Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider series,” Dickinson stated in the announcement. There were no photographs or videos of the upcoming game.
Crystal Dynamics’ earlier Tomb Raider games were constructed with the Foundation Engine, which the studio created in-house. The statement comes just a few days after another prominent property made the same announcement, stating that they would be switching to Unreal Engine 5. When CD Projekt Red revealed that they were switching to Unreal Engine 5 for the start of a new saga for The Witcher franchise at the end of March, many people were shocked.
Crystal Dynamics is incredibly excited about the future of Unreal and how it will help us take our storytelling to the next level. That’s why we’re proud to announce that our next #tombraider game is being built on Unreal Engine 5!
— Tomb Raider (@tombraider) April 5, 2022
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Tomb Raider Game Has Going To Include 12 Core Titles
Since its inception in 1996, the Tomb Raider series has grown to include 12 core titles, numerous spinoffs, and a slew of film adaptations. Tomb Raider: Legends was Crystal Dynamics’ debut game in the series, released in 2006. Reboots of the iconic Tomb Raider series began with 2013’s Tomb Raider, followed by 2015’s Rise of the Tomb Raider, a few years after the first two games were released. Even though it wasn’t produced by Crystal Dynamics, Shadow of the Tomb Raider nonetheless employed the studio’s Foundation Engine to power its gameplay and story, making it one of the last Tomb Raider games to be released. In October of 2021, it was announced that the two timelines would be linked by the upcoming Netflix anime series Tomb Raider.
No further information about the upcoming Tomb Raider game is known at this time. The latest version of Unreal Engine, version 5, has been released.
Primed and ready for action
@liliDin_farghul releases her inner Lara Croft #TombRaider #TombRaiderLive #6WeeksToGo
— Tomb Raider: The LIVE Experience (@TRaiderLIVE) March 31, 2022